Handling multiple posts, and more
At the moment, my blog is basically a single page. This is boring, so let's expand it to handle multiple pages. Also, each page should be templatized in turn, so that we can add a footer to handle analytics, comments, etc.
Multiple posts
I'll do this step by step. First, I'll ignore the index page and just add support for the posts. So blog.hs
gets a new "match" rule.
match "posts/*" $ do
route $ setExtension "html"
compile $ pageCompiler
>>> applyTemplateCompiler "templates/post.html"
>>> relativizeUrlsCompiler
I modified index.markdown
to explicitly point to the two posts for now (i.e. this one and the previous one).
Also, I created templates/post.html
, which has some basic boilerplate difference from the template used to serve the index page :-
Ok, ghc –make blog.hs && ./blog preview
confirms that all is well.
Analytics and Comments
I'll be brief here, since you probably already know this, and this isn't relevant to hakyll in anyway. There are many commenting systems out there, I found Disqus to be really quick to set up.
Enter your username, password, site url, and you'll be shown a list of hosting platforms; just select Universal Code from the list, then copy-paste the javascript into the html footer of your post template. Done. Your posts now have comments!
Similarly, if you want to track site visits, Google Analytics is a quick solution. Sign up for a new account, enter the website name, and then get your "tracking code", which is a bit of javascript you (again) tack on to the end of each post's html.
Showing a list of posts
At a minimum, we'd like to show the last few posts on the index page, and provide a link to the list of all posts.
Let's do the second item first. To do this, we'll create a pseudo-page that will be defined based on the list of posts found in the posts/
(BTW this is heavily inspired by copy-pasted from this hakyll example)
Since we want to have a 'list of posts' on the index page as well, this common functionality can be abstracted out.
addPostList :: Compiler (Page String, [Page String]) (Page String)
addPostList = setFieldA "posts" $
arr (reverse . chronological)
>>> require "templates/postitem.html" (\p t -> map (applyTemplate t) p)
>>> arr mconcat
>>> arr pageBody
Now create a rudimentary html fragment that will hold the 'post summary'
<a href="$ url $">$ title $</a> - <em>$ date $</em>
Finally, to tie it together, add a match for posts.html
, which will be the entry point to show the list of all posts.
match "posts.html" $ route idRoute
create "posts.html" $ constA mempty
>>> arr (setField "title" "All posts")
>>> requireAllA "posts/*" addPostList
>>> applyTemplateCompiler "templates/posts.html"
>>> applyTemplateCompiler "templates/default.html"
>>> relativizeUrlsCompiler
Showing a subset of all posts on the index page
Initially, I had some trouble getting this to work, for some reason the ```match "posts/*"``` wasn't working, and I commented out the ```match "index.html"``` and retained the ```index.markdown``` that I had.
Turned out to be another ommission on my part, I had to replace
match "index.html" $ do
create "index.html" $ constA mempty
match "index.html" $ route idRoute
create "index.html" $ constA mempty
... and then it works!
Getting the list of the last (say) 3 posts is achieved by having a line similar to the one in the handler for ```posts.html```, except instead of just
>>> requireAllA "posts/*" addPostList
we now have
>>> requireAllA "posts/*" (id *** arr (take 3 . reverse . chronological) >>> addPostList)
You probably know more about this than me, but if you don't want a black-and white, crammed together bunch of text, you probably want atleast a couple of css rules for your headers and the body text etc. I cobbled together mine based on some random examples I found online, pick yours as you see fit.