Wishlist [being a brain dump of random things I'd like to play around with]
- Get acquainted with Processing – it's quite low performance, but really quick to use.
- Write a book
- Try my hand at an Android app again. The last time I tried, it got to a point where I had to refactor a bunch of Java classes. I don't like Java. I hear it's possible to build some stuff (mostly games) entirely in C++ with some 'shim' work to play nice with the rest of Android. So. Worth trying out.
- Stop procrastinating on doing anything with AppEngine. Just move off AppEngine. Similar to the above, I'm not a big fan of either Java or Python. Now that Google Compute Engine and Google Developer Storage and a bunch of other similar stuff is available, I can be free of the Python/Java restrictions of AppEngine.
- Make a toy language. Sure, it'll be dumb and slow as %$#^ but it should be fun to do.
- Make a static blog generator and self-host. Admit it. I'm just using Hakyll because it's cool. OTOH the same reason would apply to its replacement, so this is not really a well-formed wish at all.
- Find some applications for all the Google data that keeps getting publicly released. Most of it is interesting as $#%.