This is a medium level problem with two levels of difficulty.
Input Description
On standard console input, you will be given an array of digits (0 to 9) and
spaces. All digits will be space-delimited, unless the digits represent
multiple presses of the same button (for example pressing 2 twice gives you the
letter 'B'). Use the modern Telephone Keypads digit-letter layout:
0 = Not used
1 = Not used
2 = ABC
3 = DEF
4 = GHI
5 = JKL
6 = MNO
7 = PQRS
8 = TUV
9 = WXYZ
You may use any source for looking up English-language words, though this
simple English-language dictionary is complete enough for the challenge.
Output Description
Print a list of all best-fitting words, meaning words that start with the word
generated using the given input on a telephone keypad. You do not have to only
print words of the same length as the input (e.g. even if the input is
4-digits, it's possible there are many long words that start with those
You could do this by reading the dictionary into a vector of strings, then figuring out the prefix determined by the input and matching it against each dictionary word. There is a better way to do this though, which makes more sense considering the second part of this question.
Instead of using a vector, you could use a Trie which in this case would look something like:
(showing the words 'sailor', 'soldier' and 'solder')
{% img center 400 %}
This is a sort of naive implementation, you could compress this by storing strings and only expanding out to character chains if needed, but I skipped that optimization here.
{% gist 8422418 %}
There is a harder version of this problem:
If you want an extra challenge, accomplish the same challenge but without
knowing the number of times a digit is pressed. For example "7653" could mean
sold, or poke, or even solenoid! You must do this efficiently with regards to
Big-O complexity.
This would have been more inefficient with a vector of strings (you would sort the vector and then for each prefix, print out all subsequent ones until you encounter a string with a different prefix. So it's O(n log n) where n is the size of the dictionary).
With our trie, we can (once we have a list of all combinatorially possible prefixes) look them up quickly (O(k + n), where k is the length of the prefix; O(k) time for each lookup and O(n) time for creating the trie (or O(mn) where m is the length of the largest word, though I would consider that a constant here)).
(Note: there's some duplication of common code, especially in the Trie
class; sorry about that!)
{% gist 8460783 %}