Been a long, long time since I looked at r/dailyprogrammer, so I picked this intermediate problem from 5 days ago. Basically, given a dictionary, judge the likelihood of a word being a "real word".
Here's my solution:
package main
import (
type wordmap map[uint8]map[uint8]int
func MakeWordMap(w string, wm wordmap) {
for i := range w {
if i == len(w)-1 {
c := w[i]
cnext := w[i+1]
if _, ok := wm[c]; !ok {
wm[c] = make(map[uint8]int)
wm[c][cnext] = wm[c][cnext] + 1
func ReadWords(dictfile string, wm wordmap) {
file, err := os.Open(dictfile)
if err != nil {
defer file.Close()
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file)
for scanner.Scan() {
MakeWordMap(scanner.Text(), wm)
func CheckValidity(w string, wm wordmap) float64 {
var c, cprev uint8
var wordScore float64 = 1.0
for i := range w {
if i == 0 {
cprev = w[i]
c = w[i]
pairScore := wm[cprev][c]
rowTotal := 0
for _, count := range wm[cprev] {
rowTotal += count
wordScore = wordScore * float64(pairScore) / float64(rowTotal)
cprev = c
return wordScore
func main() {
// Takes a dictionary and a single word, and returns the
// probability of that word being "good"
wm := make(wordmap)
dictfile := flag.String("dictfile", "", "Path to word list")
checkword := flag.String("checkword", "", "Word to spell-check")
ReadWords(*dictfile, wm)
prob := CheckValidity(*checkword, wm)
fmt.Printf("%s has a score of %.20f\n", *checkword, prob)
if prob < math.Pow10(-len(*checkword)) {
fmt.Println("It is probably not a word!")
} else {
fmt.Println("It looks like a real word!")
It runs as follows:
$ go run markov.go -dictfile=/usr/share/dict/american-english -checkword=go
go has a score of 0.06318184860451107887
It looks like a real word!