I was too lazy to avoid the brute-force approach here, especially since it took less than a second to run. The following seems longer than it should be, partly because I left in some helper and debugging functions ...
Edit: There is obviously a very nice paper-and-pen solution to this – the 10th place is '1' (for 10), then the 100th place is '5' (for 55), and so on ...
Statutory Warning: Spoilers Ahead
(defparameter *max-digits* 2000000)
(defun digits (n)
(declare (type fixnum n))
(nreverse (loop
for tmp = n then (floor (/ tmp 10))
until (= tmp 0)
collect (mod tmp 10))))
(defun set-digits (d start all-digits)
for elem in d
for idx = start then (1+ idx) do
(setf (aref all-digits idx) elem)))
;; Fills out the array of digits and returns an accessor function
;; Note: the index increments by the length of the number of
;; digits of the _previous_ number.
(let ((all-digits (make-array (list *max-digits*) :element-type '(integer 0 9) :initial-element 0)))
(defun populate-digits (n)
for num = 1 then (1+ num)
for d = (digits num)
for i = 0 then (+ i (length (digits (1- num))))
while (< i n) do
(set-digits d i all-digits))
(lambda (idx)
(aref all-digits idx)))))
(defun power-list ()
(let ((champer (populate-digits 1000000)))
(loop for p from 0 to 6 collect
(funcall champer (1- (expt 10 p))))))
(defun euler40 ()
(apply '* (power-list)))
;; Useful debugging tool
(defun scan-list (start end)
(let ((champer (populate-digits)))
(loop for i from start to end do
(print (cons i (funcall champer i))))))
The "final answer" is given by (euler40)
, and the intermediate digits themselves by (power-list)
. I found (scan-list)
useful to debug an embarassing off-by-one error in the loop.