These brute force solutions are getting a bit worrying, but here is another one. (I keep promising myself to get out of my comfort zone, but (unfortunately!) code like this is too easy to write).
Statutory Warning: Spoilers ahead
;; For all 0-9 pandigital numbers, find the ones which have successive
;; substrings of length 3 diisible by 2,3,...,17.
(defparameter *prime-divisors* #(17 13 11 7 5 3 2))
;; A number is 0-9 pandigital if it (a) is 10 digits long, and (b) has every digit from 0-9
(defun is-pandigital (num)
(declare (type fixnum num))
(let ((digits-seen (make-array 10 :element-type 'bit :initial-element 0)))
(do* ((n num (floor (/ n 10)))
(d (mod n 10) (mod n 10))
(num-digits 0 (1+ num-digits)))
((= n 0) (and (= num-digits 10)
(every (lambda (x) (= x 1)) digits-seen)))
(setf (bit digits-seen d) 1))))
(defun check-divisibility (num div-index)
(= 0 (mod num (aref *prime-divisors* div-index))))
(defun get-three-digit-num (num)
(let ((ones (mod num 10))
(tens (mod (floor (/ num 10)) 10))
(hundreds (mod (floor (/ num 100)) 10)))
(+ ones
(* 10 tens)
(* 100 hundreds))))
;; Go backwards in groups of three digits and check divisibility
(defun has-divisible-substrings (num)
(do* ((n num (floor (/ n 10)))
(div-index 0 (1+ div-index))
(dividend (get-three-digit-num n) (get-three-digit-num n))
(div-p (check-divisibility dividend div-index)
(and div-p (check-divisibility dividend div-index))))
((< n 10000) div-p)))
(defun check-substring-pandigital-range (start end)
(declare (type fixnum start end))
(let ((candidates '()))
(loop for num from start to end do
(if (and (is-pandigital num)
(has-divisible-substrings num))
(push num candidates)))
(defun euler43 ()
(let ((candidates (check-substring-pandigital-range 1234567890 9876543210)))
(print candidates)
(apply #'+ candidates)))
As before, evaluating (euler43)
shows the final solution (sum), along with the (six!) candidate numbers making up the sum. This took a whopping 4.3 hours
to churn through the 8.5 billion numbers. Maybe I need to create a new constraint for these problems: either pen-and-paper, or something slow (like Python ?! :P), so that brute force is never tempting again.