Something I saved in a scratch buffer once ...
* (room)
Dynamic space usage is: 43,629,232 bytes.
Read-only space usage is: 6,736 bytes.
Static space usage is: 4,000 bytes.
Control stack usage is: 2,976 bytes.
Binding stack usage is: 800 bytes.
Control and binding stack usage is for the current thread only.
Garbage collection is currently enabled.
Breakdown for dynamic space:
13,392,016 bytes for 12,550 code objects.
7,629,616 bytes for 87,920 instance objects.
7,108,736 bytes for 444,296 cons objects.
7,093,664 bytes for 59,224 simple-vector objects.
2,268,928 bytes for 35,452 symbol objects.
6,136,272 bytes for 115,793 other objects.
43,629,232 bytes for 755,235 dynamic objects (space total.)
* (defparameter *a* (make-array '(3000 3000) :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8) :initial-element 0))
* (room)
Dynamic space usage is: 52,662,000 bytes.
Read-only space usage is: 6,736 bytes.
Static space usage is: 4,000 bytes.
Control stack usage is: 2,976 bytes.
Binding stack usage is: 800 bytes.
Control and binding stack usage is for the current thread only.
Garbage collection is currently enabled.
Breakdown for dynamic space:
13,392,016 bytes for 12,550 code objects.
9,221,424 bytes for 1,914 simple-array-unsigned-byte-8 objects.
7,644,768 bytes for 88,074 instance objects.
7,123,088 bytes for 445,193 cons objects.
7,096,224 bytes for 59,245 simple-vector objects.
8,217,248 bytes for 149,969 other objects.
52,694,768 bytes for 756,945 dynamic objects (space total.)
* (gc)
* (room)
Dynamic space usage is: 43,810,864 bytes.
Read-only space usage is: 6,736 bytes.
Static space usage is: 4,000 bytes.
Control stack usage is: 2,976 bytes.
Binding stack usage is: 800 bytes.
Control and binding stack usage is for the current thread only.
Garbage collection is currently enabled.
Breakdown for dynamic space:
13,392,016 bytes for 12,550 code objects.
7,687,200 bytes for 88,515 instance objects.
7,144,528 bytes for 59,470 simple-vector objects.
7,134,528 bytes for 445,908 cons objects.
2,269,312 bytes for 35,458 symbol objects.
6,183,280 bytes for 116,551 other objects.
43,810,864 bytes for 758,452 dynamic objects (space total.)