It's worth pointing out things that don't work, roads that lead to dead ends, etc – so here is a brute force solution that has absolutely no chance of ever working. It's long and verbose because it's a franken-solution, made out of parts of previous solution concatenated together into a terrible mess. Posting it here before I destroy it. The forlorn TODO
at the end proved over-optimistic ...
static const int kMaxNum = 1000000;
void PopulatePrimes(vector<bool>* numbers, vector<int>* prime_indices) {
// Start off with all numbers marked prime.
for (int i = 2; i < numbers->size(); ++i) {
numbers->at(i) = true;
int prime_index = 2;
while (true) {
// Store the prime index for future reference
if (numbers->size() < 2 * prime_index) {
// Mark the multiples as not prime
for (int i = prime_index * 2; i < numbers->size(); i += prime_index) {
numbers->at(i) = false;
// Repeat with the next prime number
do {
} while (prime_index < numbers->size() && !numbers->at(prime_index));
if (prime_index == numbers->size()) {
void sanity_check_primes(const vector<bool>& numbers,
const vector<int>& prime_indices) {
auto check_prime = [&numbers, &prime_indices](int n, bool is_prime) {
if (is_prime) {
assert(numbers[n] == true);
assert(std::find(prime_indices.begin(), prime_indices.end(), n) !=
} else {
assert(numbers[n] == false);
assert(std::find(prime_indices.begin(), prime_indices.end(), n) ==
check_prime(2, true);
check_prime(3, true);
check_prime(5, true);
check_prime(4, false);
check_prime(6, false);
class CombinationIterator {
CombinationIterator(int n, int m) : n_(n), m_(m) {
for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) {
const vector<int>& GetCombination() const {
return comb_;
bool Next() {
// The last digit can go up to n, the next-to-last up to n-1, and
// so on. The very first sequence is {0, 1, ..., m-1}, and the
// very last is {n-m+1, ..., n-1, n}.
for (int i = m_ - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
int max = n_ + i - m_ + 1;
int val = comb_[i];
// cout << "Debug: i = " << i << ", val = " << val << ", max = " << max << endl;
if (val < max) {
// Increment this position, and update subsequent indices if
// necessary.
for (int j = i; j < m_; ++j) {
comb_[j] = ++val;
return true;
// If we're at the beginning, we're done.
if (i == 0) {
return false;
// Otherwise, fallthrough to the previous index.
assert(false); // Should not reach here!
const int n_, m_;
vector<int> comb_;
void sanity_check_combinator() {
CombinationIterator cit(9, 4);
for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) {
const auto& v = cit.GetCombination();
cout << "Debug (" << v.size() << ") : ";
for (int n : v) {
cout << n << " ";
cout << endl;
enum class Cardinality {
Zero, One, More
Cardinality GetPrimeSum(int num_summands,
const vector<bool>& numbers,
const vector<int>& prime_indices) {
// Try all possible combinations of adding prime numbers
// together. Either exhaust all combinations, in which case return
// Zero or One. The moment two are found, return More.
int num_primes = 0;
CombinationIterator cit(numbers.size(), num_summands);
do {
const auto& pv = cit.GetCombination();
int sum = 0;
for (int p : pv) {
sum += p;
// Check if the primes add up to a prime
if (sum < numbers.size() && numbers[sum]) {
if (num_primes == 2) {
return Cardinality::More;
} while (cit.Next());
assert(num_primes == 0 || num_primes == 1);
if (num_primes == 1) {
return Cardinality::One;
} else {
return Cardinality::Zero;
std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const Cardinality& c) {
os << static_cast<std::underlying_type<Cardinality>::type>(c);
return os;
int main() {
cout << "Euler #50 ... \n";
// Get the prime numbers upto 1 million
vector<bool> numbers(kMaxNum);
vector<int> prime_indices;
PopulatePrimes(&numbers, &prime_indices);
sanity_check_primes(numbers, prime_indices);
cout << "Debug: number of primes = " << prime_indices.size() << endl;
cout << "Debug : " << GetPrimeSum(10000, numbers, prime_indices);
// TODO(agam): Uncomment and continue ...
// int left = 0;
// int right = 500; /// random round number
// do {
// Cardinality left_c = GetPrimeSum(left, numbers, prime_indices);
// Cardinality right_c = GetPrimeSum(right, numbers, prime_indices);
// } while (left < right);