Since I'm warming up to Clojure this year, why not get started with the "dailyprogrammer" subreddit again?
So here's a (noobish) solution to this problem:
(ns dailyprog.core
(:require [clojure.string :as str]))
(defn input->float
(map #(Float/parseFloat %) (str/split input #" ")))
(defn difference
"Given a list of prices, a price in the list and its index, return the best price to sell it at"
[lst index buy-price]
(let [max-sell-price (apply max (drop index lst))]
{:buy-price buy-price
:sell-price max-sell-price
:difference (- max-sell-price buy-price)}))
(defn difference-vector
(map-indexed (partial difference lst) lst))
(defn -main
[& args]
(println(->> (slurp (first args))
(apply max-key :difference))))
and it runs like this:
> lein run /tmp/challenge-input
{:buy-price 8.03, :sell-price 10.02, :difference 1.9900007247924805}