Heh, didn't know what else to title this sort of scrapbook/notebook entry. Basically I hadn’t looked at Codewars for a long time, so I went back and tried the next “Kata”.
Problem: Given two integers m, n (1 <= m <= n) we want to find all integers between m and n whose sum of squared divisors is itself a square.
(E.g. 42 has divisors: 1,2,3,6,7,14,21,42, the squares of which are 1,4,9,3649,196,441,1764, and sum to 2500, which is a square)
I wrote my trivial solution, tried it and the submission failed because it timed out. So I hacked away, and uglified my solution, until it was using “memoized” divisors.
I ran it locally and it seemed faster, then I submitted it, and … it timed out again. I gave up, and moved on. I guess the lesson to be learnt is that it's always easy to code yourself into a corner?
module Codewars.G964.Sumdivsq where
import Data.List
import Data.Map as M
intSqrt :: Int -> Int
intSqrt = floor . sqrt . fromIntegral
isSquare :: Int -> Bool
isSquare x = x == (intSqrt x)^2
sumSq :: [Int] -> Int
sumSq list = sum [x^2 | x <- list]
multiply :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
multiply factor oldDivlist = factor : oldDivlist ++ (Data.List.map (* factor) oldDivlist)
divisorHelper :: Int -> Int -> Int -> (Map Int [Int]) -> [Int] -> (Map Int [Int], [Int])
divisorHelper n lower upper knownDivs listDivs =
if lower > upper
then (M.insert n listDivs knownDivs, listDivs)
let otherDiv = n `div` lower
if (n `rem` lower /= 0)
-- Keep going till we can divide
divisorHelper n (lower+1) upper knownDivs listDivs
if otherDiv == lower
-- Special case: we reach a square divisor
(M.insert n (lower : listDivs) knownDivs, lower : listDivs)
-- Ok, we need to know if we've seen the bigger number before
else case M.lookup otherDiv knownDivs of
Just oldDivlist ->
-- We're done!
let newDivlist = nub $ (lower : listDivs) ++ (multiply lower oldDivlist)
(M.insert n newDivlist knownDivs, newDivlist)
Nothing -> divisorHelper n (lower+1) (otherDiv-1) knownDivs (lower : otherDiv : listDivs)
divisors :: Int -> (Map Int [Int]) -> (Map Int [Int], [Int])
divisors n knownDivs = divisorHelper n 1 n knownDivs []
listSquaredHelper :: Int -> Int -> Map Int [Int] -> [(Int, Int)] -> [(Int, Int)]
listSquaredHelper lower upper knownDivs sqList =
if lower > upper
let (newKnownDivs, divs) = divisors lower knownDivs
s = sumSq divs
if isSquare s
listSquaredHelper (lower+1) upper newKnownDivs ((lower,s):sqList)
listSquaredHelper (lower+1) upper newKnownDivs sqList
listSquared :: Int -> Int -> [(Int, Int)]
listSquared m n = reverse $ listSquaredHelper m n M.empty []
I clearly have a long way to go in understanding the “why” of Haskell performance. My initial solution was much, uh ... simpler. I didn't save it but I translated that into Clojure, which looks something like this:
(ns sumdivsq.core)
(defn is-square
(== n (Math/pow (int (Math/sqrt n)) 2)))
(defn sum-sq
(int (reduce + (map #(Math/pow % 2) lst))))
(defn divisors
(if (== n 1)
(conj (filter #(== 0 (mod n %)) (range 1 (inc (/ n 2)))) n)))
(defn list-squared
[m n]
(letfn [(lfh [n]
(let [ssq (sum-sq (divisors n))]
(when (is-square ssq)
[n, ssq])))]
(keep #(lfh %) (range m n))))
Certainly looks very nice, and it passed all the tests, but I was too impatient to begin optimizing it, and left this one behind too ...