Ok, so here’s this month’s curated list of interesting Math/Sci/Programming stuff. Note: this isn’t stuff that happened this month, it’s stuff that I came across this month.
GILAD: And the thing is once you get used to the machine doing it for you it's really hard to go back to the Stone Age. Smalltalk or Smalltalk-like systems, they give you in certain ways the life of luxury. It's so nice that you can, when something goes wrong you can always find out exactly what the state of the objects were and say, “Oh, this is wrong.” And I don't have to restart things to get back there if I figured out what's wrong or I have a hunch what's wrong. I can just change it and tweak it and go forward a lot of times, which is something that again you have to experience because people tend to not believe that. But you usually can not only make the change but you can very often keep going even though the program was wrong. You can adjust its state now a bit and say, “Okay, let's assume that this is now consistent. I can keep moving and see what happens.” And you get so comfortable with that and it's so much more pleasant that after that yeah, you ramble on about it like I do.
Yeah, watch it, it's all good stuff.
The distinction between class-based and prototype-based systems reflects a long-lasting philosophical dispute concerning the representation of abstractions. Plato viewed forms — stable, abstract, “ideal” descriptions of things — as having an existence more real than instances of those things in the real world. Class-based languages such as Smalltalk, C++ or Simula are Platonic in their explicit use of classes to represent similarity among collections of objects. Prototype-based systems such as Self [UnS87], Omega [Bla91, Bla94], Kevo [Tai92, Tai93], GlyphicScript [Gly94] and NewtonScript [SLS94] represent another view of the world, in which one does not rely so much on advance categorization and classification, but rather tries to make the concepts in the problem domain as tangible and intuitive as possible.
The trouble with computer science today is an obsessive concern with form instead of content.
It’s as true today as it was then, right? :)
… parallel processing plus message passing is a much safer model that multithreading …